Our Trustees

  • Simone Nelson

    Treasurer & Webmaster - Simone has had management roles in many different businesses and has had experience as treasurer for multiple committees over the years.

    We value Simone’s expertise and she is our go to person, for any advice.


  • Pam McBeth

    Secretary & Acting Chair - Pam has been a Kinship Carer and worked most of her life in admin roles and latterly in a position within the Probation Service.

    Pam brings a lot of skills to the Charity and we are grateful for her expertise. Pam also liaises with Kinship carers to offer them well deserved Holiday breaks at our Luxury Caravan at Sandy Bay.

    She also is our secretary and does a fantastic job keeping us all up to date.

    Booking trips, Pantos, organizing meetings as well as running the bookings for our Caravan.


  • Sheila Dodds

    Trustee & trainee treasurer. Sheila is a Kinship Carer . She brings a wealth of knowledge to WKC and helps out with lots of different projects. Her passion is IT and loves anything to do with technology. She is helping our treasurer Simone at the moment and is thoroughly enjoying this. Sheila also manages the web page.